

 Cara Tuttle Bell, JD
I want to share with you how this book came to be. Over the years, students and colleagues here and there have asked me when I was going to write a book. In class, in March 2020, some of the students asked, saying they needed an assertiveness guide, and that I should write it. Thank you, Siri Nadler, for starting that discussion. The very next day, I fortuitously connected with Linda Ellis Eastman of The Professional Woman Network, who was offering a few book deal/scholarships (as she is also an excellent writing coach and editor) as an act of goodwill and a contribution she could make during time of unrest. This was the right connection at the right time, and I highly recommend working with Linda and/or joining this network, which provides both speaking and writing opportunities.
A few weeks ago, I attend the Professional Woman Network annual conference, which attracts attendees from all over the globe. It was a truly beautiful, encouraging, accepting, supportive environment all weekend long. The speakers were fantastic, and just the best humans, all around. Ask Tara -- she joined me for part of it, and we both marveled how much better this conference felt compared to some others we've attended. I learned so much and made new friends and instantly expanded my network. Linda provides structure, tips, pep talks, editing, typesetting, cover design, publication, promotion, but retains little control -- your work, your rights, remain your own to do with what you will. I lucked in to the most feminist, straightforward, fair and generous author/speaker relationship, and this side project of mine has been easier than I imagined and much more fun. I highly recommend Linda Ellis Eastman to those of you wanting to write your first or next book, get certified in various coaching skills, or to amplify your speaking opportunities and network.
Cara Tuttle Bell, JD
 A special thank you to Linda Eastman and Professional Woman Publishing, LLC
While dealing with the trauma of accepting the death of my only child, I was challenged by other mothers to pen my journey. I could not imagine where I would begin, or how I could have it make sense to a reader. The answers to all of my questions, concerns and doubt came on September 7, 2019 with a phone call from Linda Ellis Eastman, CEO of The Professional Woman Network.
Linda quickly put my concerns to ease. She heard my vision, provided coaching sessions and stayed with me through the entire process. On June 14, 2020, my book, FACE IT: Life’s a Journey, A Memoir of Triumph After Loss, was released. High demand book sales, speaking engagements, coaching sessions, entrepreneur opportunities and future book releases are just a sample of what PWN provided me. My experience with PWN and Linda Ellis Eastman transformed me from a novice writer to an Authorpreneur.
Pearl Roziers
Mitch22 Foundation, INC.

Thank you, Linda!
My 19 year back burner dream of writing a book happened because of Linda Ellis Eastman. If it were not for Linda's encouragement and guidance, my book, The Mask of Perfection, would still be a word document in a folder on my computer. Linda coached me every step of the way. She provided guidance and encouragement through times of self-doubt and writer's block. She inspired, pushed, and helped me believe in my ability to "finish" a book and share my story. Thank you, Linda, for making what felt impossible — possible.
Karen Banks
by Rev. Dr. Zenobia M. Bereal
Approximately 2 1/2 years ago, I was extremely blessed to have a personal friend network me with Linda Ellis Eastman, and Professional Woman Publishing, an international publishing company that has been in business for over 35 years. Not only has Linda maintained a professional business standard, the company has delivered on every contractual promise. This is the kind of business relationship people seek in the 21st century.
Because of PWN, my long awaited dream of publishing the book that God downloaded into my spirit in 2008, is now a reality! I highly recommend Linda Ellis Eastman and Professional Woman Publishing. With certainty, Linda will put your book of the highest possible quality, into your hands.
In His Service,
Rev. Dr. Zenobia M. Bereal
Bruised But Not Broken Book Signing
PWN Book Signing and Conference - Louisville, Kentucky
by Samone Darden Lett
Hello All! I've just come back from a great women's conference in Kentucky where I was fortunate to meet spiritually grounded women doing some amazing things. The conference served two purposes for me: it involved a book signing platform for my latest authored release Bruised But Not Broken as well as a two day women's youth empowerment conference. My two days in Louisville were filled with inspiration and fun, all while being alongside women who were sincere in sharing knowledge and guidance with each other. PWN members also had an opportunity to socialize and mingle with each other while on a beautiful Mississippi River style steamboat with great music, food, and lots of fun. It allowed all the women who attended the conference to personally get to know one another. It was at the conference that I was able to establish some lasting relationships with other PWN members. Its been so great and it all started earlier this year with an invitation to be part of this unique group of women.
"The Professional Woman Network is the platform in which it's members have been able to release some amazing books."
Three months ago, I joined a professional women's network called PWN (The Professional Woman Network http://www.prowoman.net) based in Louisville, Kentucky. The international network comprises of independent consultants, authors, and trainers who deliver workshops, seminars, and keynote speeches globally. PWN members include authors, life coaches, mentors, entrepreneurs, educators, youth counselors, as well as spiritual leaders. Lead and founded by Ms. Linda Ellis Eastman, PWN is the platform in which it's members have been able to release some amazing books with such titles as, Raising African American Boys, The Christian Woman's Guide for Personal Success, Becoming Your Own Best Friend, and in August of 2010 Bruised But Not Broken. It was refreshing to be around women that acknowledged that God had given them a vision of greatness and that they had wasted no time in constructing it; they all are walking in their paths building the road towards success. Many are bounded in fear preventing them from moving towards their dreams. God has already given the authority to move in the gifts He has empowered us with; we only need to take those first steps. It was an exciting feeling to hear women be not only passionate about their relationship with God, but also share that passion through their businesses.
Some of the women who attended the conference are fairly new to the world of entrepreneurship; stepping out on their own to launch the vision God gave them. Others have acquired more experience through the years of building their businesses; their role in the conference was so essential in sharing tips with the women who attended. Nyda Bittmann-Neville who is president and founder of TNB Consulting Group, a global organization specializing in innovative marketing, communications, and image solutions. Ms. Neville delivered a captivating presentation about powerful leadership skills for youth. Her presentation challenged us to think about how leaders and mentors reach youth. Her presentation encouraged us to be role models and to teach accoutability to our young people. Many of the women at the conference, entrepreneurs with experience as well as beginning authors and life coaches, reminded me of some key concepts that I want to share with all women.
Things To Keep In Mind, Ladies:
Remember to stay in your own lane, ladies, and do not worry about
what others are doing and achieving. Continue to busy yourself only
in the divine calling that is upon you.
Do not spiritually emerse yourself in the oooohhs and aahhhs
of another person's success and where they have positioned themselves.
Words are powerful so it is very important to make sure you're
speaking positive words into your life as well as in the lives of
others around you.
Beware of toxic relationships and soul ties with others.
Learn to use the gift of goodbye. Learn to understand that some
things need to be let go of in order for you to move on to better
This conference has inspired me to continue providing spiritual knowledge
for young women to follow, rather than them holding onto the lies
and frustrations of the past. My dream is to continue to be influential
in towards seeing young women empowered...free in the understanding
that with God all things are possible and that the power of choice
is something God given. The power of "CHOICE" has
been given to us to realize that there are other ways of living -
beyond the bondage, frustration, pain, and lack that this world is
filled with. Throughout my years of participating in prison ministry,
I have witnessed women struggle with climbing out of some of the most
difficult emotional and spiritual valleys. Through delivering the
teachings of Jesus Christ and using his life as a model, it inspired
many in prison with the revelation that there is hope; there are options
out there even though many women were once lost. How they got there
was usually because of pain, confusion, frustration, abandonment,
doubt, but most significantly...CHOICES. I believe this book, Bruised But Not Broken will assist women on their journey to becoming a victor and not a victim of their past. It provides a guide for women who have been victims of domestic abuse, molestation, betrayal, or divorce. For these individuals, there can be a difficult journey to self-acceptance and positive self-esteem. Bruised But Not Broken provides a personal guide to facing and conquering the ugliness from our past. "Many women do not realize that the strength of the chains holding them back from enjoying relationships, embracing career opportunities and trusting others originates in or with abandonment."
by Charlene Sills
In December of 2009 I was laying on my bed going through an
issue of Black Enterprise magazine. When I got to the classified
section I paid close attention because I wanted to see just what other
women of color were doing with their time, energy and money. I came
across an ad for Professional Woman Network (www.prowoman.net) and
immediately felt my spirits soar. I thought great, a women’s group who will
sit and talk and share ideas about what we go through. I was so mistaken.
I checked out the website and saw doctors, lawyers, professionals,
teachers, ministers & youth leaders who had been brought together
and written books on women, family, couples, and children’s
issues. Although is it is called Professional Woman Network, there
were men there as well who speak to the issues of young men.
For days I looked back at the site and was drawn to attending a
certification seminar and as I stated before I was so mistaken.
In January 2010 I attended my first Certification Seminar on Diversity
and Empowerment. Our host Linda Ellis Eastman broke us down to
our bare core and reshaped us into living breathing vessels of optimism
to be used by God. After being turned inside out, she showed us
just how powerful we are individually and collectively. At the close
of the second day I knew I wanted to be a part of this exceedingly
blessed and highly favored group of individuals. By the time we were
leaving, Ms. Eastman presented me with the opportunity to be a part
of three soon to be released books and I jumped at it.
Fast forward to August 2010, I attended the leadership conference
with those same professionals and I am looking at my own name in
print on topics I thought only mattered to me. These inspirational
readings where as much a blessing to write as there were to read.
When I went through the pages of my fellow authors I was truly
mesmerized by the topics they covered. Bruised But Not Broken is a
phenomenal book that speaks on topics like loving yourself, surviving
abuse, forgiveness, sisterhood and so much more.

The Teen Handbook for Self Confidence focused on the obstacles
teenagers and young adults face just trying to make it day to day
Raising Healthy Children in an Unhealthy World is for parents who
need or want a little added blessing to help them be better at
the task of raising offspring.
There are so many other motivational and inspirational books on
the www.prowoman.net site (www.pwnbooks.com). I suggest you visit
these sites and utilize these resources so they will quickly become
a blessing for you, your church, your friends and your family.
Be Blessed
Charlene Sills