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Rev. Dr. Lillie Madison Jones

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Rev. Dr. Lillie Madison Jones


  • The Confident Woman: Tapping Into Your Inner Power (2013)

Lillie Jones is a nationally distinguished educator, whose mission for many years was "that no child be left behind." Her degrees include a BA, M.S., Ed. S and Ed. D. She received a Master's of Divinity in 2003. Additionally, she is a Board Certified Coach and received CPLC Certification from the Professional Christian Coaches Institute. She is also a trained Appreciative Inquiry Coach. Her passion is leadership development and matriculated in a series of leadership programs including "Leadership at the Peak" through the Center for Creative Leadership in Colorado Springs. She was one of the first group of women inducted into the Society of Our Wise Women at Bennett College. Dr. Jones is a graduate of the Shalem Institute of Spiritual Formation with a certificate in Leading Contemplative Prayer Groups & Retreats. She is currently founder of Full Measure Living Coaching and Consulting, LLC.

When she retired as Interim Superintendent of the Guilford County School System, her dedication and effort had positively impacted many children. Dr. Jones has been a teacher, principal and Deputy Superintendent. As a United Methodist Pastor, her commitment to personal empowerment and spiritual development are at the center of her willingness to contribute her talent and her wisdom. She served as pastor of a two- point charge from 2001–2006. During her tenure as a pastor, she initiated a summer camp (AACCC=Academic, Artist, Creative Christian Camp) to prepare K -12 students for school.

Dr. Jones was a community activist in Mooresville. She organized the Annual Community MLK Service, as well as a catalyst in organizing the first MLK Community Breakfast. In 2008, she was the keynote speaker and spoke on the topic: "We are the ones we have been waiting for." Having served on numerous community boards, she is currently the Program Development Chair of the Gulfside Association in Waveland, Mississippi.

She is a sought after speaker and retreat leader. Some of her topics are "The Power of a Praying Woman," "Just a Sister Away" "Listening to God" and "Sisters, I Got Your Back." Other speaking engagements have been keynote presentations at Annual Conferences of the United Methodist Church and contemplative prayer retreats for the community. Most recently she was the 2011 Baccalaureate Speaker at Bennett. A scholarship was established in her honor at the closing event. Her publications include "Revitalizing Middle Schools," The Guilford County Process", contributor to Child by Child by Dr. James Comer and "Help Students Soar to Success" in Bizlife.

Dr. Jones was both a Coordinator of Ethnic and Justice Ministries and District Superintendent in the Western North Carolina Conference of the United Methodist Church.

She has been married 46 years to retired educator and artist, Fred Jones. She has two children, Giselle & Rick with six grandchildren.


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