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Cynthia London and Jenna Heddleson - The Adventures of Toady


Jenna Mae Heddleson

PWN International Literary Award Recipient


  • The Adventures of Toady
    Cynthia London — Author
    Jenna Mae Heddleson — Illustrator

Jenna Mae Heddleson was born in Denver, North Carolina, right outside of Charlotte. After moving to the country and homeschooling, she found many hobbies thanks to the travels their lifestyle allowed. This freedom during her younger years gave her the ability to find her love of creating, whether that be writing, drawing, or redecorating her room for the 3rd time that month. Now 15 years old, she is proud to present the first book she illustrated in, alongside her loving and cheerful grandma. A book she hopes will spread a message of love and acceptance to young children that they can carry with them through life.

Cynthia London (Author) and Jenna Mae Heddleson (Illustrator)


Contact: Professional Woman Publishing
P.O. Box 333 • Prospect KY. 40059
Tele: 502.345.4139

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