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Company Name:
Ilka Handshaw



1616 Aberdeen St NE
Grand Rapids, Michigan 49505



616 259-7509








Ilka Handshaw

Area of Expertise:

  • Inspiring people to act on climate change and protect and restore our planet.


  • Are We Awakened Yet? How to Save our Earth

Keynote Topic:

  • Invitation to awaken and act on climate change before it is too late...

Ilka Handshaw was born in Bulgaria, studied languages in high school and graduated from Veliko Turnovo University. She loved being a teacher, but also loved helping people to be healthier and happier and always learning on the subject since a child. She always had an amazing affinity for Mother Nature, absolutely adored it, and since she was a young child, has spent much time being within Mother Nature by hiking the Balkan mountain and the other Bulgarian mountains and being on and loving the sunny beaches of the beautiful Black Sea. Here in the USA , she continued working with her languages as a tutor and interpreter, but is also in the process of learning more on the subject of personal healing. Ilka has started helping others learn to feel better and teaching them how to be more joyful by fulfilling their purpose in life. She is an author of many articles on health and her passion of essential oils in Michigan magazines and spoke on radio and TV stations to inspire others to better health.

She began writing a book on the subject of health but turned in the direction of inspiring others to save our planet Earth from destruction which humans have caused. And that in many ways is aligned with personal healing, because as we heal ourselves, so do we heal the world.


Contact: Professional Woman Publishing
P.O. Box 333 • Prospect KY. 40059
Tele: 502.345.4139

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