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Sabrina Graves

WE61 - The Total WomanWE61 - The Total Woman
WE61 - The Total WomanWE61 - The Total WomanSabrina Graves - A Broken Heart Still Beats

A writer and an author, Sabrina writes because things need to be written but she’s an author because she wants it to be published. Sabrina is the President of Sabrina Graves Creates, a showcase for her art work and her poetry. In 2015, she also established Just Imagine Possibilities, her platform dedicated to empowering others to open their minds and hearts to see limitless possibilities. Drawing inspiration from her personal journey of recovery from a painful past, today Sabrina motivates others to see that healing is possible and laughter is the best medicine.

Author of ‘Help Me, I’m Broken’, a personal reflection of her own difficult journey through recovery, and ‘The Price of The Passion’, Sabrina knows that everything she went through was for a purpose. An unintentional, life-time New York City public servant, Sabrina values every opportunity to welcome people into her space to learn from her struggles, her triumphs and her failures and understand that there is life after the pain, opportunity after each defeat and abundance after the darkness. She invites you to look at her life and just imagine the possibilities.

Sabrina Graves will be a featured speaker at PWN International Conference 2020.



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