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Emotional Wellness for Women Volume II

The second in a 3-volume series on emotional wellness for women, twenty five coaches, consultants and professionals share powerful tips about living a peaceful life, forgiveness and self-healing. Topics include Overcoming the Need to Be Perfect, Recovering from Loss, Learning to Love Yourself Again, Living a Healthier Life, and Sink or Swim: Emotional Surivival.

Edited by Linda Ellis Eastman, founder of The Professional Woman Network

Authors include Claudia White, Cassandra Lee, Violet Mathis, Jan Felton, Amicitia Maloon Gibson, Aretha Day, Dr. Stem Mahlatini, Judy Harris, Marie Beecham, Relinda Singletary, Aretha Day, Judy Harris, Sandra Sargeant Woods, Nikesha Henning, Linda Rose Mongell, Janee' Davis, Jacqueline Hymes, Estella Rayford, Christell Ingram Benson, Dorothy Young, Danette Boone, Dr. Sharon Hudson, Glenda Hicks, LaWanda Dudley, Carol White, Reverend Vivian Vee Campbell, Dr. JoAnne White, and Elizabeth Waterbury.


Contact: Professional Woman Publishing
P.O. Box 333 • Prospect KY. 40059
Tele: 502.345.4139

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