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Carla E. Blacker

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Company Name:
SYMMETRY~ Life in Balance



503 W. Lincoln
Charlevoix, MI 49720











Carla E. Blacker

Carla Blacker - Salt in the Wound

Areas of Expertise:

  • Facilitator of forgiveness
  • Writer of passionate, personal and powerful Soul level perspectives.
  • Creator and guide of the Soul Level Self with Carla Blacker, an intuitive based reading launching internal, deliberate and celebrated expressions of love and joy through peace and acceptance.
  • Certified Soul Realignment Practitioner; Certified Law of Attraction Adviser; Alumni International Empress Revolution; Ordained Minister; Empowered woman, mother, wife, confidant and friend.


  • Salt in the Wound: and the Courage to Forgive (summer 2016)

Seminars or Keynote Topics:

  • The Soul Level Self: Shifting the perspective of self-healing into the soothing Soul discovery of Divine alignment.
  • Examining personal perspectives on the importance of Soul level energy and creating a life of authentic purpose.

Carla considers herself, first and foremost, a spiritual being having a human experience for God, Creator Source.

She is an inspirational transmutation mentor, writer and founder of SYMMETRY life in balance. She has developed a website to encourage, connect and guide individual Soul-level transformation to those whose spiritual awakening has evolved into the personal pursuit to unveil purpose and passion in their lives.

As the creator of The Soul Level Self with Carla Blacker, she is on a mission to facilitate an extraordinary gift of internal forgiveness blended with the courage and willingness to open the heart-mind in order to create balance of mind, body and spirit.

Originally from the pure state of Michigan and currently residing on the island of Oahu, Hawaii, Carla and her husband, Charlie, travel extensively around the country representing a Detroit based construction company, enjoying the wonder and beauty that life and this world have to offer.

Welcoming your connection for intuitive based readings and the invitation to join the Soul2Soul network, Carla is also available for key-note speaking engagements, seminars, workshops and private retreats based on Salt in the Wound and the Courage to Forgive, book 1 of her intended 3-book series. 


Contact: Professional Woman Publishing
P.O. Box 333 • Prospect KY. 40059
Tele: 502.345.4139

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